How to make the CLI run on dedicated graphics

amdcommand linegentoographicsmonitors

I just finished my Gentoo minimal install and the first thing I wonder is why I get no picture. I did have signal on the live CD, so that was pretty odd. I plugged the monitor into the Intel HD Graphics HDMI output instead, and there was my picture.

There's just this issue, I have 3 monitors. I need the AMD drivers, so I go ahead and install the proprietary ones, because I have the best experience with those. In order to do that, I had to recompile the kernel with some settings off and on to enable the AMD KMS. I have no idea what it is, but it worked fine following this guide (for my Sapphire Radeon HD 7970).

I'm aiming to install XFCE 4, so I also had Xorg installed.

emerge xorg-server ati-drivers

I ran startx and got the picture I expected on the monitor plugged into the Intel HD port. Now I stopped the x-server again and ran aticonfig --initial and rebooted. I already know that aticonfig only updates xorg.conf and when I started x again it appeared on the correct monitor. The only thing bothering me now is that the CLI before starting x is STILL on the integrated graphics monitor. How do I get this sent to the dedicated graphics card as well?

Best Answer

I believe you are looking for fbcon, you would need this option:

3. fbcon=map:<0123>

        This is an interesting option. It tells which driver gets mapped to
        which console. The value '0123' is a sequence that gets repeated until
        the total length is 64 which is the number of consoles available. In
        the above example, it is expanded to 012301230123... and the mapping
        will be:

        tty | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...         fb  | 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 ...

        ('cat /proc/fb' should tell you what the fb numbers are)
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