How to make rsync to log deleted files


I'm using rsnapshot (which use rsync) to backup files from my web server to local Linux box (Synology)

Files, deleted on the web server are deleted on the Linux box, as expected.
The problem, that info about deleted files are not logged.
How can I add list of deleted files to the rsync log?

Here are rsync parameters in the rsnapshot.conf:

rsync_short_args -av
rsync_long_args --out-format="%t %f %b" --delete --delete-excluded \
    --log-file=/volume1/web/logs/rsn_sync.log --copy-links

So this results in following command:

/usr/syno/bin/rsync -av --out-format="%t %i %f %b" --delete --delete-excluded \

    --log-file=/volume1/web/logs/rsn_sync.log --copy-links \
    --exclude-from=/volume1/web/BK/exclude.txt --rsh=/usr/syno/bin/ssh \
    --link-dest=/volume1/web/BK2/weekly.1/slavikF/ \ /volume1/web/BK2/weekly.0/slavikF/

Best Answer

-i, --itemize-changes      output a change-summary for all updates
Also:  -v, --verbose              increase verbosity
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