FreeBSD Terminal – How to Make man(1) Use Entire Terminal Width


I'm on FreeBSD, using a wide xterm with, say, 132 characters per line.
When running

$ man man

the manual page is formatted to fit an 80 character per line terminal width.
Is there a way to make the formatter (groff, grotty) use a line width I specify?

I read the manuals for man(1) and groff(1) but could not find an appropriate option. I know it can be done, since I have seen it work on some Linux distro.

Best Answer

Ony my Linux systems, man 1 man mentions the MANWIDTH environment variable, which, now that I look it up, is also specified in the FreeBSD man(1) manpage:

MANWIDTH     If set to a numeric value, used as the width manpages should
             be displayed.  Otherwise, if set to a special value ``tty'',
             and output is to a terminal, the pages may be displayed over
             the whole width of the screen.