How to log samba events


How can I log samba events?

I have samba-shared directories and I want to know what exactly someone have download from it.
Actually, I can watch iftop to figured out WHO have downloaded, but not WHAT.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

According to Chapter 9 of Using Samba - Troubleshooting Samba:

To turn logging on and off, set the appropriate level in the [global] section of smb.conf.


By default, logs are placed in samba_directory /var/smbd.log and samba_directory /var/nmbd.log, where samba_directory is the location where Samba was installed (typically, /usr/local/samba).

You can increase the logging level to show more detailed information. So just keep increasing the level until you have information that is detailed enough for your needs.

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