How to list the queued units with systemctl


My systemctl status shows:

● mymachine
     State: running
     Jobs: 4 queued

How can I list the queued jobs?

This answer shows how to list the failed units, but I can't find any docs on how to list those 4 queued units, nor is it clear to me which state in systemctl list-units --state=help corresponds to those.

Best Answer

It is: systemctl list-jobs

Example output:

# systemctl list-jobs
 JOB UNIT                                  TYPE  STATE  
3543 nginxAfterGlusterfs.service           start waiting
3545 glusterReadyForLocalhostMount.service start running
3506 nginx.service                         start waiting

4 jobs listed.

Those units also have a start entry in the JOB column in the systemctl table.

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