How to list the different hex characters between two files

awkhexperlsedtext processing





How can I get this output?


I've tried diff, vimdiff, sdiff, perl, awk, sed. I've tried echoing the contents of both files into one, and running the below:

perl -ne 'print unless $seen{$_}++' everything.txt
awk '!seen[$0]++' everything.txt 

But nothing seems to give me the output I need. Not sure if I'm just minterpreting, or if I need to specify the \x as a delimiter, or replace it with something else. All I want is the delta between the two files: the hex characters that are in allHexChars.txt that don't exist in allowedChars.txt.

I don't mind how

Best Answer

sed -r 'H;$!d;x;s:\n::g;:l;s:(\\x..)(.*)\1:\2:;tl' allHexChars.txt allowedChars.txt > missingChars.txt

The above GNU sed script assumes two things as I understood them from the question:

  • inside the files no hex character is listed more than one time
  • the first file contains all the hex characters from the second file

To visualize the differences, use:

diff -y <(fold -4 allHexChars.txt) <(fold -4 allowedChars.txt)
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