How to layer compression on top of encryption on top of BtrFS, per-file


BtrFS should support this really, but it doesn't. So ECryptFS looks like it will fill the gap. The only thing is, how would I layer compression on top of this?

Reasons for compression on top of encryption:

  • intentionally, the converse (encryption on top of compression) doesn't compress, because encryption ideally tries to make the ciphertext indistinguishable from random data;
  • encryption of denser information is more secure.

I'm looking for a filesystem-level solution such that files can be encrypted with different keys as appropriate (such as for users/groups) on an ad-hoc basis (i.e. can be changed without major reconfiguration that you have with block-level encryption).

Best Answer

It seems that only approach left is stacking a compressing filesystem on top of encrypting filesystem. Here are few options, but I do not have hands on experience with them:

I doubt that you can select compression or encryption per file. Btrfs is supposed to offer that but reality is probably far from it. Just like it was supposed to have RAID5 years ago.