How to interpret this output of lsof command


root@host [/home2]# lsof /home2
php        3182 ctxmortg  cwd    DIR   8,17     4096 32858196 /home2/ctxmortg/public_html/hello
php        3182 ctxmortg    3r   REG   8,17    46404 55781766 /home2/ctxmortg/public_html/hello/cache/
php        3185 ctxmortg  cwd    DIR   8,17     4096 32858196 /home2/ctxmortg/public_html/hello
php        3185 ctxmortg    3r   REG   8,17     4185 35962154 /home2/ctxmortg/public_html/hello/cache/curl/
php        3187 ctxmortg  cwd    DIR   8,17     4096 32858196 /home2/ctxmortg/public_html/hello
php        3187 ctxmortg    3r   REG   8,17    54640 69699731 /home2/ctxmortg/public_html/hello/cache/
php        3188 ctxmortg  cwd    DIR   8,17     4096 32858196 /home2/ctxmortg/public_html/hello
php        3188 ctxmortg    3r   REG   8,17    54640 21557063 /home2/ctxmortg/public_html/hello/cache/
php        3189 ctxmortg  cwd    DIR   8,17     4096 32858196 /home2/ctxmortg/public_html/hello
php        3189 ctxmortg    3r   REG   8,17     4185 36028071 /home2/ctxmortg/public_html/hello/cache/curl/
php        3200 ctxmortg  cwd    DIR   8,17     4096 32858196 /home2/ctxmortg/public_html/hello
php        3200 ctxmortg    3r   REG   8,17    21036  9155614 /home2/ctxmortg/public_html/hello/cache/
lsof       3201     root  cwd    DIR   8,17     4096        2 /home2
lsof       3202     root  cwd    DIR   8,17     4096        2 /home2
webalizer 32342 ctxmortg  cwd    DIR   8,17     4096 32890953 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/
webalizer 32342 ctxmortg    5uW  REG   8,17    12288 32890954 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/
webalizer 32360 ctxmortg  cwd    DIR   8,17     4096 32890953 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/
webalizer 32360 ctxmortg    5u   REG   8,17    12288 32890954 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/
webalizer 32361 ctxmortg  cwd    DIR   8,17     4096 32890953 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/
webalizer 32361 ctxmortg    5u   REG   8,17    12288 32890954 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/
webalizer 32362 ctxmortg  cwd    DIR   8,17     4096 32890953 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/
webalizer 32362 ctxmortg    5u   REG   8,17    12288 32890954 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/
webalizer 32363 ctxmortg  cwd    DIR   8,17     4096 32890953 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/
webalizer 32363 ctxmortg    5u   REG   8,17    12288 32890954 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/
webalizer 32364 ctxmortg  cwd    DIR   8,17     4096 32890953 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/
webalizer 32364 ctxmortg    5u   REG   8,17    12288 32890954 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/
webalizer 32365 ctxmortg  cwd    DIR   8,17     4096 32890953 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/
webalizer 32365 ctxmortg    5u   REG   8,17    12288 32890954 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/
webalizer 32366 ctxmortg  cwd    DIR   8,17     4096 32890953 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/
webalizer 32366 ctxmortg    5u   REG   8,17    12288 32890954 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/
webalizer 32367 ctxmortg  cwd    DIR   8,17     4096 32890953 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/
webalizer 32367 ctxmortg    5u   REG   8,17    12288 32890954 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/
webalizer 32368 ctxmortg  cwd    DIR   8,17     4096 32890953 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/
webalizer 32368 ctxmortg    5u   REG   8,17    12288 32890954 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/
webalizer 32369 ctxmortg  cwd    DIR   8,17     4096 32890953 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/
webalizer 32369 ctxmortg    5u   REG   8,17    12288 32890954 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/
bash      32409     root  cwd    DIR   8,17     4096        2 /home2

I want to umount a drive but cannot.

So, what does cwd, 3r dir, and reg mean anyway?

Best Answer

webalizer 32342 ctxmortg    5uW  REG   8,17    12288 32890954 /home2/ctxmortg/tmp/webalizer/

FD - File Descriptor

If you are looking for file being written, look for following flag

# - The number in front of flag(s) is the file descriptor number of used by the process to associated with the file
u - File open with Read and Write permission
r - File open with Read permission
w - File open with Write permission
W - File open with Write permission and with Write Lock on entire file
mem - Memory mapped file, usually for share library

So 3r means webalizer has a descriptor number 3 associated with ...dns_cache.db, with read permission.

TYPE - File Type

In Linux, almost everything are files, but with different type.

REG - REGgular file, file that show up in directory
DIR - Directory


inode number in filesystem

You can find complete details in the man page.

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