How to interpret an octal or hex dump of a binary file


The binary file has strings and some numbers, If I do
od -c filename or strings filename, I can see the strings properly. But, what about numbers? They are in some weird format.

The text after doing od -c filename is like this:

0000000 036  \0 032 004   S   D  \0  \0  \0  \0   s   e   q   1
0000020          \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \0  \t  \0   ó 002   3 001
0000040   &  \0 032  \f   O   2 006  \0  \0  \0   o   s   f   u   s   1
0000060           ó 002   3 001   ÿ  \r  \0  \0  \t  \0  \0   @   3   ×
0000100 233   º 004  \0   é 003  \0  \0   &  \0 032  \f   O   2   7  \0
0000120  \0  \0   o   s   f   e   u   1           ó 002   3 001   é 235
0000140  \0  \0 035 003  \0   @   3   × 233   º 004  \0   Ñ  \a  \0  \0
0000160   ä  \0 032  \f   O   r   E  \0  \0  \0   o   s   f   a   p   1

How to decipher this?

I even tried hexdump -C filename

The output is like this:

00000000  1e 00 1a 04 53 44 00 00  00 00 73 65 71 31 20 20  |....SD....seq1  |
00000010  20 20 00 00 00 00 00 00  00 00 09 00 f3 02 33 01  |  ..........ó.3.|
00000020  26 00 1a 0c 4f 32 06 00  00 00 6f 73 66 75 73 31  |&...O2....osfus1|
00000030  20 20 f3 02 33 01 ff 0d  00 00 09 00 00 40 33 d7  |  ó.3.ÿ......@3×|
00000040  9b ba 04 00 e9 03 00 00  26 00 1a 0c 4f 32 37 00  |.º..é...&...O27.|
00000050  00 00 6f 73 66 65 75 31  20 20 f3 02 33 01 e9 9d  |..osfeu1  ó.3.é.|
00000060  00 00 1d 03 00 40 33 d7  9b ba 04 00 d1 07 00 00  |.....@3×.º..Ñ...|
00000070  e4 00 1a 0c 4f 72 45 00  00 00 6f 73 66 61 70 31  |ä...OrE...osfap1|

To clarify, the main file which is a regular file had one attribute which was displaying is some weird format, so we are looking at the raw/binary file.

Doing octal dump on the regular file, resolved the viewing problem.

With grep 'id=123' regular_file | head -1 | od -c, I was able to see what number was in there. I was expecting 1, it showed to us as 001.

Best Answer

There are lots of ways of storing numbers - ASCII (which can have locale specific variants, such as using ',' to separate fractional part OR as a thousands grouping), binary integer (variable number of bits)/float/double (all of which may vary depending on endian architecture and whether software producing the file formalises the representation), BCD (uncompressed, packed, fixed point and other variants), Bi-quinary coded decimal ...

There is no standard.

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