How to install patterns and packages at the same time


How can I install package patterns (e.g. "C/C++ development tools") and packages (e.g. "mercurial") at the same time? Currently, two commands are necessary; for example, the installation instructions I wrote for sketch-frontend are,

sudo zypper install -t pattern "devel_C_C++" "devel_java"
sudo zypper install java-1_6_0-openjdk-devel mercurial

[ link ].

(motivation). It's true one only needs two commands, but on machines with slower internet connections (or slower processors), not having the second command automatically continue is annoying. Also, the user does need to be prompted for package resolution, so just adding the --non-interactive flag is not an option.


Best Answer

edit: appending <resolveabletype>: to the resolvable allows you to match different types in one command it seems.

zypper in java-1_6_0-openjdk-devel mercurial +pattern:devel_C_C++ +pattern:devel_java

creating a one-click install will let you do package resolution in one go, but i am unsure if a pattern can be called from within one. you could then call it with oci /sbin/OCICLI /path/to/foobar.ymp

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