FreeBSD Installation – How to Install and Configure FreeBSD Without Internet Access


After installing FreeBSD we would like to use following commands to install additional packages.

pkg install nano
pkg install xorg
pkg install mate-desktop mate
pkg install slim

The above commands require an Internet connection to install packages. But how can we install those packages without an Internet connection by using CD/DVD/USB?

Best Answer

I'm not sure what release you're using, but I'm assuming 10.1, currently the latest. The installation process is described in the 10.1-RELEASE errata:

  1. Create a /dist directory and mount the DVD.

    # mkdir -p /dist
    # mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0 /dist
  2. Make sure REPOS_DIR is correctly pointing to your local repository.

    # export REPOS_DIR=/dist/packages/repos

    or for csh:

    # setenv REPOS_DIR /dist/packages/repos
  3. Bootstrap pkg and install packages.

    # pkg bootstrap
    # pkg install xorg-server xorg gnome2 [...]
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