How to install a system-wide SSL certificate on openSUSE


I have a PEM certificate that I just downloaded from a webserver. I want to install it system-wide so I can curl the server without it complaining about a missing certificate.

I tried putting the file in /etc/ssl/certs, but nothing happened.

Best Answer

As already mentioned SUSE supports ca-certificates starting with openSUSE 13.1 / SLES 12.

The difference to debian/Ubuntu is the directory for your certififcates. The SLES man page to update-ca-certificates has these directories:

          Directory of CA certificate trust anchors.

          Directory of blacklisted CA certificates

          Directory of CA certificate trust anchors for use by the admin

          Directory of blacklisted CA certificates for use by the admin

The openSUSE package mentions these:

- Packages are expected to install their CA certificates in 
  /usr/share/pki/trust/anchors or /usr/share/pki/trust (no extra subdir) instead
  of /usr/share/ca-certificates/<vendor> now. The anchors subdirectory is for
  regular pem files, the directory one above for pem files in
  openssl's 'trusted' format.
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