How to install a custom boost version in CentOS

boostdependencieslibrariespathsoftware installation

I'm trying to compile and install boost 1.54 from source in CentOS.

The documentation is pretty straight forward and there are plenty of tutorials in the internet available (1) (2) (3). This is what I did:

tar -xzvf boost_1_54_0.tar.gz
cd boost_1_54_0
./ --prefix=/usr/local
./b2 install --with=all

This is compiling and installing boost correctly to /usr/local/lib and everything looks fine.

Now I compile other software that requires boost using gcc and everything works fine. From my understanding everything should be OK as long as gcc finds the required libs.

But now the problem: If I run my compiled binaries I get the following error:

  ./myProgramm: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Why can the libraries not be found?

In addition I tried:

locate boost

But boost libraries can not be found. I've looked for the path manually, it is:


I also tried to create symlinks to /usr/lib but this doesn't fix this either.

Any ideas? What can I do?

Best Answer

You have to add -Wl,-R/usr/local/lib to the LDFLAGS when compiling your program.

-R is a linker option (for specifying a runtime linker path) - -Wl instructs gcc to pass it to ld.

With shared libraries you have to make sure that they are found by the linker during compile and during runtime (cf. flags -L and -R).

You can use

$ ldd myProgramm

to verify if the runtime-linker path was set correctly, i.e. if it can find the needed shared libraries on program start/which shared libraries it will load.

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