How to indicate start of line in less search of man pages

lessmanregular expression

I frequently refer to man bash to recall use of "history expansion" parts(events/words/modifiers). I know that the man part I need is
"HISTORY EXPANSION". So I type in HISTORY EXPANSION in forward search list '/'. Of course less jumps not straightforward to the "HISTORY EXPANSION" part, but instead shows all occurrences of this string in given man. Thus, I thought it would be great to type something like:


so I could jump to "start of line"HISTORY EXPANSION.


In less man I see that

Search forward in the file for the N-th line containing the pattern. N defaults to 1. The pattern is a regular expression, as recognized by the regular expression library supplied by your system.

I see that other men were also looking into this, but with a different purpose:

I followed the steps, but still cannot say for sure what regex version is used on my machine. Here is the shared lib dependencies output for less binary

$ ldd /usr/bin/less =>  (0x00007ffc229cb000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f44968e9000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f4496524000)
/lib64/ (0x00007f4496b12000)

So, how to indicate start of line in less search, so I can easily jump to the parts of man I need?

Best Answer

When man's output passes through more, each bold character is in fact that character, followed by a backspace, followed by repeating that character and then to the next character. To find something in bold, search for /^H..I..S..T

You'll find it also in the article Stéphane pointed to.