Hard-Disk – How to Ignore Write Errors While Zeroing a Disk


Say you want to zero-out a failing hard disk. You want to overwrite as much as possible with zeros. What you don't want is: the process aborts on the first write-error. How to do that?

AFAICS, plain dd only provides an option for ignoring read errors. Thus, something like

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/disk/by-id/lousy-vendor-123 bs=128k

is not enough.

ddrescue seems to be better at ignoring errors – but what would be the optimal command line with it?

My try with GNU ddrescue:

ddrescue --verbose --force --no-split /dev/zero /dev/disk/by-id/lousy-vendor-123

Best Answer

I prefer badblocks in destructive write mode for this. It writes, it continues doing so when it hits errors, and finally it tells you where those errors were, and this information may help you decide what to do next (Will It Blend?).

# badblocks -v -b 4096 -t random -o badblocks.txt -w /dev/destroyme
Checking for bad blocks in read-write mode
From block 0 to 2097151
Testing with random pattern: done
Reading and comparing: done
Pass completed, 52105 bad blocks found. (0/52105/0 errors)

And the block list:

# head badblocks.txt

And what's left on the disk afterwards:

# hexdump -C /dev/destroyme
00000000  be e9 2e a5 87 1d 9e 61  e5 3c 98 7e b6 96 c6 ed  |.......a.<.~....|
00000010  2c fe db 06 bf 10 d0 c3  52 52 b8 a1 55 62 6c 13  |,.......RR..Ubl.|
00000020  4b 9a b8 d3 b7 57 34 9c  93 cc 1a 49 62 e0 36 8e  |K....W4....Ib.6.|

Note it's not really random data - the pattern is repetitive, so if you skipped 1MiB you'd see the same output again.

It will also try to verify by reading the data back in, so if you have a disk that claims to be writing successfully but returns wrong data on readback, it will find those errors too. (Make sure no other processes write to the disk while badblocks is running to avoid false positives.)

Of course with a badly broken disk this may take too long: there is no code that would make it skip over defective areas entirely. The only way you could achieve that with badblocks would be using a much larger blocksize.

I'm not sure if ddrescue does this any better; it's supposed to do that in the other direction (recover as much data as fast as possible). You can do it manually for dd/ddrescue/badblocks by specifying first/last block...

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