Zsh – How to Delete to Either a Slash or a Word with Two Keystrokes


Bash behaviour

I've just migrated from bash to zsh. In bash, I had the following line in ~/.inputrc.

"\e\C-?": unix-filename-rubout

Hence, Alt+Backspace would delete back to the previous slash, which was useful for editing paths.

Separately, bash defaults to making Ctrl+w delete to the previous space, which is useful for deleting whole arguments (presuming they don't have spaces). Hence, there two slightly different actions performed with each key combination.

Zsh behaviour

In zsh, both Alt+Backspace and Ctrl+w do the same thing. They both delete the previous word, but they are too liberal with what constitutes a word-break, deleting up to the previous - or _. Is there a way to make zsh behave similarly to bash, with two independent actions? If it's important, I have oh-my-zsh installed.

Best Answer

Edit: The next google result after your question was this one with same solution : zsh: make ALT+BACKSPACE stop at non-alphanumeric characters

This answer was provided by /nick FoH from #zsh on freenode.

backward-kill-dir () {
    zle backward-kill-word
zle -N backward-kill-dir
bindkey '^[^?' backward-kill-dir

This way you can use ctrl+w for deleting a Word (in vim lingo) and alt+bkspc to delete a word

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