How to grep and cut numbers from a file and sum them

cutgreplogsnumeric datatext processing

I have a log file. For every line with a specific number, I want to sum the last number of those lines. To grep and cut is no problem but I don't know how to sum the numbers. I tried some solutions from StackExchange but didn't get them to work in my case.

This is what I have so far:

grep "30201" logfile.txt | cut -f6 -d "|"

30201 are the lines I'm looking for.

I want to sum the last numbers 650, 1389 and 945

The logfile.txt

Jan 09 2016|09:15:17|30201|1|SL02|650
Jan 09 2016|09:15:18|43097|1|SL01|945
Jan 09 2016|09:15:19|28774|2|SB03|1389
Jan 09 2016|09:16:21|00788|1|SL02|650
Jan 09 2016|09:17:25|03361|3|SL01|945
Jan 09 2016|09:17:33|08385|1|SL02|650
Jan 09 2016|09:18:43|10234|1|SL01|945
Jan 09 2016|09:21:55|00788|1|SL02|650
Jan 09 2016|09:24:43|03361|3|SB03|1389
Jan 09 2016|09:26:01|30201|1|SB03|1389
Jan 09 2016|09:26:21|28774|2|SL02|650
Jan 09 2016|09:26:25|00788|1|SL02|650
Jan 09 2016|09:27:21|28774|2|SL02|650
Jan 09 2016|09:29:32|30201|1|SL01|945
Jan 09 2016|09:30:12|34032|1|SB03|1389
Jan 09 2016|09:30:15|08767|3|SL02|650

Best Answer

You can take help from paste to serialize the numbers in a format suitable for bc to do the addition:

% grep "30201" logfile.txt | cut -f6 -d "|"

% grep "30201" logfile.txt | cut -f6 -d "|" | paste -sd+

% grep "30201" logfile.txt | cut -f6 -d "|" | paste -sd+ | bc

If you have grep with PCRE, you can do it with grep alone using postive lookbehind:

% grep -Po '\|30201\|.*\|\K\d+' logfile.txt | cut -f6 -d "|" | paste -sd+ | bc

With awk alone:

% awk -F'|' '$3 == 30201 {sum+=$NF}; END{print sum}' logfile.txt        
  • -F'|' sets the field separator as |
  • $3 == 30201 {sum+=$NF} adds up the last field's values if the third field is 30201
  • END{print sum} prints the sum at the END
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