How to get UUID for a USB drive

command linemountusb

I want to mount my USB to a mount point which holds the UUID name. But I don't know how to express this in a command line!

Can someone help me how to do it?

I have searched and found that I have to run:


then a command which searches for a USB flash or hard disk drive, then something like

blkid | tail -n 1 | cut -f4 -d' '

but tail is wrong because I don't know the number of USB I have!

Is there a way to tell it to just get me the lines with USB type?

Best Answer

Reading the man page shows you can use options to get what you want:

blkid -t TYPE=vfat -sUUID

gives (for me):

/dev/sdb: UUID="50CA-8C03"

You can extract the UUID with cut -d'"' -f2:

blkid -t TYPE=vfat -sUUID | cut -d'"' -f2

The blkid options are preferable because a USB drive can have e.g. a label which would give a different output of with plain blkid invocation.

EDIT: further reading of the man page shows blkid can do what you want on its own:

blkid -t TYPE=vfat -sUUID -ovalue