How to get traceroute on cygwin


The implementation of traceroute(tracert) differs on Windows and Unix. I wanted to compare both with Wireshark. I am on Windows 7 now and I wanted to get Unix traceroute implementation quickly.

My first idea was to get it using MSYS or Cygwin. I installed Cygwin with "inetutils*" packages checked, but there is no traceroute command and corresponding executable in /usr/bin/.

I also tried searching for "traceroute" with Cygwin package search and found this substring in list of "zsh" files. I installed zsh and tried traceroute and tcptraceroute with no results.

Which package should i check for installation of traceroute and is there traceroute for Cygwin at all?

Best Answer

There is no traceroute in the Cygwin packages, because tracert is always available on Windows. See for a thread briefly discussing this. You can try compiling a Unix-style traceroute from source usign Cygwin.

If you want to compare Windows-style tracert to Unix-style traceroute though, I'd recommend running traceroute on Unix or Linux, because the network stacks are different; so running a Unix-style traceroute on Windows won't give you quite the same network traces as Unix-style traceroute on Unix.

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