How to get folder size ignoring hard links

disk-usagefileshard linksize;

I use rsnapshot for backups, which generates a series of folders containing files of the same name. Some of the files are hard linked, while others are separate. For instance, hourly.1/file1 and hourly.2/file1 might be hard linked to the same file, while hourly.1/file2 and hourly.2/file2 are entirely separate files.

I want to find the amount of space used by the folder hourly.2 ignoring any files which are hard links to files in hourly.1. So in the above example, I would want to get the size of file2, but ignore file1.

I'm using bash on linux, and I want to do this from the command line as simply as possible, so no big graphical or other-OS-only solutions please.

Best Answer

Total size in bytes of all files in hourly.2 which have only one link:

$ find ./hourly.2 -type f -links 1 -printf "%s\n" | awk '{s=s+$1} END {print s}'

From find man-page:

   -links n
          File has n links.

To get the sum in kilobytes instead of bytes, use -printf "%k\n"

To list files with different link counts, play around with find -links +1 (more than one link), find -links -5 (less than five links) and so on.

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