How to force Terminator to reload configuration on the fly


I use Terminator as a terminal emulator and I like it a lot, I would just like to do one thing and I haven't been able to find out how to do it. So you know how I can right-click, go to preferences, and select the color profile and font? Then when I'm done the terminator instance that I accessed preferences from reflects the updates that I've just made (i.e. the colors/fonts are different). I'd like to be able to do this but by manually editing the configuration file then having an active terminator session reload the config file, then reflect those changes without having to restart the emulator.

Is there a way to do this? Some sort of command to send to terminator to tell it to reload itself from the config file without having to close the actual program? I feel like this should be possible because i I manually edit the configurations through the GUI the changes are reflected without the process needing to be restarted.

Thanks for your help

Best Answer

Not a commandline solution, but you can open the Preferences dialog and close it to reload the config file manually without killing Terminator.

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