How to forbid windows from stealing focus in XFce4


In XFce4, when I launch applications, I don't want them to appear above the windows I am currently using, or to show alert windows above my current work. Rather, I'd like the windows to load in the background and to not steal focus. The exception would be an alert window or dialog belonging to the application I'm using, e.g. if I am currently using LibreOffice Calc, and it gives me a pop-up to tell me an error, that window can be brought to focus.

Is there any way to prevent windows from stealing focus in Xfce4?

Best Answer

Settings/Window Manager/Focus

  • Focus follows mouse (on) [shouldn't matter, but the focus stealing prevention setting seems to work better with this on]

  • Automatically give Focus to newly created windows (off)


Settings/Window Manager Tweaks/Focus

  • Activate Focus Stealing Prevention (on)
  • Honor standard ICCCM focus hint (off)
  • When a window raises itself, (do nothing)
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