How to find the most common name in passwd file

grepsorttext processing

My /etc/passwd has a list of users in a format that looks like this:

username:password:uid:gid:firstname.lastname, somenumber:/...

Goal : I want to see only the first names and than sort them having the most common name appear first, 2nd most common appear 2nd etc….

I saw some solutions as to how to do the 2nd part, although they are relevant to working with a text file and not to reading from a map.

In regards to the first part, I really don't know how to approach this. I know that there are some solutions but don't really know how to do them.

Best Answer

One way to do it:

cut -d: -f5 /etc/passwd | \
    sed 's/\..*//' | \
    sort -i | \
    uniq -ci | \
    sort -rn
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