How to find the MAX IO a physical disk can support


How to find the MAX I/O a physical disk can support?

My application is doing I/O, and I can find the actual throughput (Blk_wrtn/s) by using linux commands. But how can I find what is max limit I can reach? I want to know if it can be further loaded.

Best Answer

Obiously using Unix tools is the easiest way to do it. You can measure the max operation by creating a test case and use appropriate tools to measure its perfomance. A good resource can be found here: LINUX - Test READ and WRITE speed of Storage

sudo hdparm -tT /dev/sdX

for example as read test.

And to measure write:

dd if=/dev/random of=<some file on the hd> bs=8k count=10000; sync;

# Hit CONTROL-C after 5 seconds to get results
# 65994752 bytes (66 MB) copied, 21.8919 s, 3.0 MB/s


Note As pointed out in the comments the dd command also measures the performance of the file system and even /dev/random. It does measure the write performance of an environment, that heavily depends on the hard disks performance, though.

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