How to find out when a Linux machine was booted via SCP


I fetch files via SCP from a machine owned by another group. My only access is SCP, I do not have the ability to SSH into their machine. Occasionally, their system is rebooted which causes problems on my end if I don't know about it. I was hoping to SCP some file from their system to find out when it was last booted except I can't seem to find anything appropriate.

I tried copying via scp:

scp -p remoteSys:/proc .

(-p says preserve timestamp) and was told /proc is not a regular file and cannot be copied. When I tried:

scp -p remoteSys:/proc/uptime .

and I got a zero byte file with the current timestamp. I copied:

scp -p remoteSys:/var/log/boot.log .

and I got a zero size file with a date that may or may not be the boot date.

Does anybody have any good suggestions?

Thank you in advance.

Best Answer

scp remote:/var/log/wtmp /tmp/remote.wtmp
last -f /tmp/remote.wtmp reboot
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