How to find out if I am sudoer


How does Linux system behave when I am not sudoer?
Here is what happens if I try to use sudo:

server:/tmp>$ sudo cal
[sudo] password for user:
Sorry, try again.

Is it possible that I just don't know my password or does this mean that I am not sudoer? (On another machine system printed out that I'm no sudoer and the incident will be reported)

Best Answer

To know whether a particular user is having sudo access or not, we can use -l and -U options together.

For example,

If the user has sudo access, it will print the level of sudo access for that particular user.

   $ sudo -l -U pradeep
     User pradeep may run the following commands on this host:
     (ALL : ALL) ALL

If the user don't have sudo access, it will print that user is not allowed to run sudo on localhost.

   $ sudo -l -U pradeep.c
     User pradeep.c is not allowed to run sudo on localhost.
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