How to find out how many TCP retransmits are occurring


I am running Debian Wheezy on an ARMHF platform and do most of the communications over fairly unreliable cell phone networks. Is there a way to read the no. of re-transmits the TCP stack has done since booting? Also keeping track of the no. of TCP checksum failures would be helpful.

Best Answer

If you need to regularly check those numbers (or even log them somewhere), maybe netstat can help as explained here:

You could log the output and analyze it later.

If you need something to watch in realtime, perhaps tcptrace fits the bill.

An alternative could be to use plain old tcpdump to dump your traffic and then use some more involved analysis tool on your own workstation to analyze it, like Wireshark.

tcpdump, netstat and tcptrace all exist for Debian wheezy on armhf.

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