Max Parallel Execution Limit – How to Find


Is there any limit for parallel execution? if yes, how to find out the maximum limit?

I am creating a script which create a string of scripts concatenated by '&' and uses eval to execute them all together. Something like this:

scriptBuilder="ksh -x & ksh -x & ksh -x";
eval $scriptBuilder;

Just want to make sure what is the max limit for parallel execution on the server.

Best Answer

The command ulimit -u shows the maximum number of processes that you can start. However, do not actually start that many processes in the background: your machine would spend time switching between processes and wouldn't get around to getting actual work done.

For CPU-bound tasks, run as many tasks as there are cores on your machine, or one more. This is if there's enough RAM to accommodate all these processes and their file cache: if the parallel processes are competing for I/O bandwidth to keep reloading their data, they'll run slower than if you run them sequentially. You can find the number of cores in /proc/cpuinfo.

The easy way to run one task per processor is to use GNU parallel.

If the tasks are I/O-bound and use the same peripherals (e.g. they access files on the same disk), it's usually best to run them sequentially.

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