How to find files with permissions greater than xxx but ignore files with SUID and SGID


I'm trying to find files with permissions that exceed 755. Using the solution from another post here I have been able to get mostly what I want:

find /bin -type f -perm -755 ! -perm 755

This does ignore anything at 755 or below, but it returns files with the SUID and SGID bits set. I would like to ignore these. Is it possible to do this in one command? I've tried multiple ! -perm arguments with both 2000 and 4000 but that didn't do anything.

I have also used 2755 and 4755 in sequential commands, but again, I would prefer covering both in one command.

I was thinking the -o operator would help, but I'm not sure how to do that with an argument that contains a negated pattern like I'm using. I tried it as

find . -type f \(-perm -2755 ! -perm 2755 -o -perm -4755 ! -perm 4755\)

but that just threw the paths must precede expression error.

Best Answer

The solution that works with any POSIX compatible find is the following:

find DIR -type f -perm -0755 ! -perm 0755 ! -perm -04000 ! -perm -02000 -print

As previously noted, with GNU find you can collapse the setuid and setgid tests into ! -perm /06000.