How to find all files in a folder that contain a match of a regular expression in the file name

filenamesfilesregular expressionsearch

I'd like to find all of the files in my home folder on Linux (Ubuntu, in this case) that contain a match a particular regular expression. Is there a simple Unix command that I can use in order to do this?

For example, I'd like to find all of the files in my home folder with names that contain a match of the following regex (here, using Javascript-style notation): ((R|r)eading(T|t)est(D|d)ata)

Best Answer

Find's -name option supports file globbing. It also supports a limited set of regex-like options like limited square-bracket expressions, but for actual regex matches, use -regex.

If you're looking for a match in the contents of a file, use grep -r as Craig suggested.

If you want to match the filename, then use find with its -regex option:

find . -type f -regex '.*[Rr]eading[Tt]est[Dd]ata.*' -print

Note the shift in regex, because find doesn't portably support bracketed atoms in its regex. If you happen to be on a Linux system, GNU find supports a -regextype option that gives you more control:

find . -regextype posix-extended -regex '.*((R|r)eading(T|t)est(D|d)ata).*' -print

Note that if all you're looking for is case matching, -iregex or even -iname may be sufficient. If you're using bash as your shell, Gilles' globstar solution should work too.

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