tmux – How to Equally Balance Split Panes in Tmux


I'm looking for a behavior that is similar to how vim(1) handles its split windows with ^w =. I know tmux(1) has predefined layouts with ^b Meta[1-5], but this likely does not have the layout that I am currently using.

When splitting a window, it halves the current window for both panes. Split again, and it halves that pane into two new. Combine vertical and horizontal splits, and they continue to halve each other, each new pane getting smaller and smaller.

How can I keep the new layout I've just created, but have all vertical and horizontal splits equally balanced, like vim(1) does with ^w =?

Best Answer


select-layout even-vertical
Usually assigned to: Ctrl+b, Alt+2


select-layout even-horizontal
Usually assigned to: Ctrl+b, Alt+1

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