How to encyrpt a message using someone’s SSL smime.p7s file


I need to send a private key file to someone (a trusted sysadmin) securely. I suggested a couple options, but he replied as follows:

Hi, I don't have neither LastPass nor GnuPGP but I'm using ssl
certificates – this message is signed with such so you will be able to
send a message to me and encrypt it with my public key.

I used openssl to obtain his certificate:

openssl pkcs7 -in smime.p7s -inform DER -print_certs

The certificate is issued by:

issuer=/O=Root CA/OU= Cert Signing Authority/

(Firefox doesn't have a root certificate from

Now, how do I encrypt the key file I wish to send to him? I prefer to use a command line tool available in Ubuntu.


$ openssl pkcs7 -inform DER -outform PEM -in smime.p7s -out smime.pem
$ openssl smime -encrypt -text -in /home/myuser/.ssh/mykeyfile smime.pem 
unable to load certificate
139709295335072:error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line:pem_lib.c:696:Expecting: TRUSTED CERTIFICATE


$ openssl pkcs7 -in smime.p7s -inform DER -print_certs
subject=/CN=Wojciech Kapcia/
issuer=/O=Root CA/OU= Cert Signing Authority/

Best Answer

You can do

openssl smime -encrypt -text -in <file> smime.p7s

where <file> is the file you want to encrypt. If the file smime.p7s is in DER format instead of PEM, you will have to convert it with :

openssl pkcs7 -inform DER -outform PEM -in smime.p7s -out smime.pem

You obtain a file you can send to your sysadmin. If you are brave enough you can remove -text and play with the option -to, -subject, etc. to get a valid email file you can directly send to a SMTP server.

If the root certificate of the certificate you use to encrypt is not recognized by your operating system but YOU trust it, you can add it to the certificate base.

cp smime.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/certificate.crt
sudo update-ca-certificates

The certificate must have the .crt extension. Details here.

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