How to disallow GNU screen from making change to the putty window title

gnu-screenputtywindow title

Currently whenever I open a screen session from within PuTTY, the window title of the PuTTY window changes to "screen". I would like to prevent this from happening.

Please let me know what is the way to do it. Apologies if this is a duplicate question.

Please note that I'm NOT asking about title of various sessions within screen (which can be set with CtrlaShift+ A). I'm asking about PuTTY's window title.

Best Answer

I figured it out myself. The tip in the above link helps.

excerpt from that URL

Via escape sequences, some remote computers have the ability to change the titles of client windows of applications such as PuTTY. Examples include a logon script that changes the PuTTY window title to the user's login name, or a shell prompt that continually changes PuTTY's window title to contain the name of the current remote client directory.

While sometimes these window title changes are desired, in other situations you would rather define a window title and have it stick without worrying about having it changed by the remote system. Thus you can lock the window title:

  1. Open PuTTY.
  2. Click on the "Session" link in the left pane.
  3. In the right pane, click "Default Settings", or a defined session, then the "Load" button.
  4. Expand the "Terminal" tree in the left pane.
  5. Click the "Features" link in the left pane.
  6. In the right pane, check "Disable remote-controlled window title changing".

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  7. Click on the "Session" link in the left pane.

  8. Choose the session name you chose in #3, or "Default Settings".
  9. Click the "Save" button.

Note that if you change the default settings, you will still need to change the settings for each saved session.

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