How to disable the Ctrl+Shift binding (ISO 14755) in urxvt

keyboard shortcutsrxvt

Whenever the Ctrl+Shift key combo is pressed, the text ISO 14755 mode text pops up at the corner of the terminal window in urxvt. Is there a way to remove this without having to rebuild urxvt?

I'm using a pre-built version of urxvt in Manjaro Linux (i3wm). I wanted to have the copy and paste binded to Ctrl+Shift+C and Ctrl+Shift+V respectively. I followed this solution and worked. But that's when this problem started occurring.

According to this source, the switch can be solved by adding these two lines to the ~/.Xresources file.

URxvt.iso14755: true
URxvt.iso14755_52: false

However, the mini-dialog still pops with ISO 14755 mode each time I execute copy or paste. Another solution involves removing the iso support before building the package using the ./configure --disable-iso14755, but I would like to solve it without having to reinstall the package.

Best Answer

You've disabled keycap picture insert mode but not basic ISO 14755 mode. To disable both, set both to false.

URxvt.iso14755: false
URxvt.iso14755_52: false

After changing ~/.Xresources, reload the file with

xrdb -merge <~/.Xresources
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