How to disable selection highlight auto-copying


I've finally found myself at home in Linux, but there is still one thing that has bothered me since the start, and I have not found a realistic solution:

How do I disable the automatic copying of highlighted text in Linux's desktop environment

My Desktop Environment is XFCE, Window Manager is Openbox and it's all held together by Archlinux, I do however have these issues in other distributions.

Every time I go to replace a section of text I:

Highlight the source then press the usual CtrlC
I then select the text I want to replace and since highlighting text automatically copies it to the clipboard, manually reselect from clipman the selection I just copied, and paste it that way. This is very inefficient.
I have resorted, out of desperation to using Windows for heavy editing of Source / Documents.

I would prefer to have copy paste routine identical to that which Windows uses


The problem was my fault all along!

I had ignorantly pasted autocutsel -selection PRIMARY -fork & into my .xprofile, causing autocutsel to sync all my selections into the PRIMARY clipboard.
For more info

Best Answer

I can only reproduce this if I enable "Sync Selections" in Clipman.

Make sure "Sync selections" is unchecked and you should be fine.

                          Clipman settings

For more background on the multiple clipboards, see:

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