How to disable portage LICENSE checks


Whenever I install a package with an EULA, portage asks me to add it to package.license:

The following license changes are necessary to proceed:
 (see "package.license" in the portage(5) man page for more details)
#required by chrome-binary-plugins (argument)
>=www-plugins/chrome-binary-plugins-9999 google-chrome
#required by google-chrome (argument)
>=www-client/google-chrome-26.0.1410.40_beta189199:beta google-chrome

Since I don't read the licence anyway and portage isn't even asking me to do so, I'd like to globally disable this check. How to do that?

Best Answer

Which licenses portage accepts is governed by the ACCEPT_LICENSE variable in make.conf. This variable is the counterpart to package.license the same way USE is to package.use, ACCEPT_KEYWORDS to package.keywords, etc.. By default, this variable is set to @FREE, which means "only accept all licenses in the FREE set". This set contains all licenses that require the user to accept them. In order to be able to install all packages without additional license-related prompts, just add the following line to /etc/portage/make.conf:


Conversely, you could also block out all non-free packages with ACCEPT_LICENSE="@FREE", or choose any other combination of licenses you like. See /usr/portage/profiles/license_groups for details

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