How to disable event sounds in Plasma 5


I wander how to disable event sounds in kde5 Plasma (the one that is heard when scrolling the volume in systray for example).

I use Plasma in Opensuse 13.2 but this is KDE specific methinks.


These are the available settings (after answer):

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

In recent Plasma 5, search "Audio Volume" in the application launcher and, under 'Applications' tab, disable 'Notification Sounds'.

enter image description here

In some Plasma versions the above doesn't work, as I now see in Kubuntu 17.10. The Audio Volume tool looks different and notifications sounds is already muted.

enter image description here

To stop the volume scrolling sound etc in this case, I have unmuted, and moved the slider to zero, and muted again. Something is buggy here though, as the slider is in fact always stuck to zero, and only the mute/unmute button does the work.

In this case I have noticed that a different tool can be used: pavucontrol-qt:

enter image description here

After using this, the bug mentioned (slider stuck to zero in "Audio Volume") disappeared.

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