How to detect SLES version


What patchlevel does this SLES machine has? 10.2 or 10.4?

SERVER:~ # cat /etc/issue
SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 10.2
Kernel \r (\m), \l

SERVER:~ # cat /etc/SuSE-release 
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64)


SERVER:/etc # rpm -V sles-release
S.5....T  c /etc/issue
S.5....T  c /etc/
S.5....T  c /etc/motd

SERVER:/etc # zypper sl
# | Enabled | Refresh | Type | Name                                                | URI                                                                   
1 | No      | No      | YaST | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2                 | cd:///?devices=/dev/hda                                               
2 | Yes     | Yes     | YaST | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP2-20110317-171027 | nfs://

SERVER:/etc # uname -r


SERVER:/etc # cat /etc/issue.rpmnew

Welcome to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP4  (x86_64) - Kernel \r (\l).


SERVER:/etc # 

SERVER:~ # rpm -qi glibc
Name        : glibc                        Relocations: (not relocatable)
Version     : 2.4                               Vendor: SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany
Release     : 31.95.1                       Build Date: Mon Sep 19 16:43:25 2011
Install Date: Sun Mar 18 08:01:27 2012      Build Host: macintyre
Group       : System/Libraries              Source RPM: glibc-2.4-31.95.1.src.rpm
Size        : 5141247                          License: BSD 3-Clause; GPL v2 or later; LGPL v2.1 or later
Signature   : DSA/SHA1, Mon Sep 19 16:45:00 2011, Key ID a84edae89c800aca
Packager    :
URL         :
Summary     : Standard Shared Libraries (from the GNU C Library)
Description :
The GNU C Library provides the most important standard libraries used
by nearly all programs: the standard C library, the standard math
library, and the POSIX thread library.  A system is not functional
without these libraries.
Distribution: SUSE Linux Enterprise 10

Best Answer

Most probably you have got a SLES10 SP4.

Do a rpm -V sles-release - if /etc/SuSE-relase does not show "5" (i.e. changed md5-checksum) the file content is original.

If you update your question with your exact kernel version (uname -r) I can even tell you more.

You can also check which repositories are active on that system: zypper sl

Update on uname/zypper results:

Here is a list of SLES-kernels and their release dates. This shows your kernel to be a SLES10 SP4 released on 2011-10-28. There is a more recent SP4 kernel from 2012-01-23.

Your output from zypper sl puzzles me. I can not see how your system got to SLES10 SP4 - there are only SLES10 SP2 repositories shown.

I think it is worth to look into this a bit deeper... (see my current comment to your question)

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