VNC – How to Copy/Paste Between Windows and OpenSuse Clipboard


I am connecting to a remote OpenSuse computer using VNC from Windows. On other Linuces that I've used over VNC, I can copy text between the remote machine and the local Windows machine using the clipboard. In this case, I can seem to connect the local clipboard to the remote.

The VNC server is whatever is set by default on OpenSuse. I don't know which it is.

How can I fix copy/paste over VNC?

Best Answer

Yes, I just went thru this again on CentOS 5.2 (setting up old dev environment). Add this to $HOME/.vnc/xstartup worked for KDE and GNOME and ICEWM to enable copy/paste between VNC Client on Windows and the Windows host:

vncconfig  -nowin &
autocutsel -fork
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