How to copy only new files using “scp” command


I was copying hundreds of files to another computer using the scp command that I got the stalled error. Now I am going to copy the files again. Is there any way to avoid copying the already copied files?

Best Answer

You can use rsync for it. rsync is really designed for this type of operation.


rsync -avh /source/path/ host:/destination/path


rsync -a --ignore-existing /local/directory/ host:/remote/directory/

When you run it first time it will copy all content then it will copy only new files.

If you need to tunnel the traffic through a SSH connection (for example, for confidentiality purposes), as indicated by you originally asking for a SCP-based solution, simply add -e ssh to the parameters to rsync. For example:

rsync -avh -e ssh /source/path/ host:/destination/path
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