How to copy all the XFCE settings between two computers/machines


Does anyone know how I can copy my customizations of XFCE's settings plus its appearance to another machine?

The settings for appearance/design, panels, keyboard shortcuts and geany are not there yet, like at all.

So far I have done:

  • copied ~/.config/{autostart,xfce4,Thunar} (not literally like that)

  • logged out and back in, rebooted


Some info, which is true for both machines:

$ pacman -Qi xfwm4 | grep Version
Version                  : 4.12.4-1

$ uname -r

Best Answer

Xfce usually stores its configuration files in ~/.config/xfce4 (as well as ~/.local/share/xfce4 and ~/.config/Thunar). Copying these directories to your laptop should do the job. Keyboard shortcuts are stored in ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml, so they should get copied as well.

It's possible that after you copy the files they are getting overwritten when you log out of the session, thus preventing the new settings from getting enabled. Perhaps you could try copying the aforementioned directories by logging in through a tty?

Note that there's a global set of configuration files in /etc/xdg/xfce4, /etc/xdg/Thunar/, /etc/xdg/menus, etc. (as well as /etc/xdg/xdg-xubuntu if you're using Xubuntu). If you're copying the configuration files between two systems having completely different base installations, you'll have to copy these files as well.

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