How to convert a pdf to 4-up in landscape mode (ideally using ghostscript)


I have pdf slides in landscape mode and would like to create a new pdf file containing the slides 4-up (in landscape mode again) like this:

|   1   |   2   |
|   3   |   4   |

I know that there is pdfjam (which can be used like this pdfjam --fitpaper true --nup 2x2 --delta '1mm 1mm' --scale 0.98 infile.pdf), but it does not preserve hyperlinks — gs does, though. I am wondering how one could use gs to achieve the task (?)

Alternatively, I mainly use 4-up to print slides. I couldn't manage to use lpr for achieving this. If someone has an idea for that, this would be interesting as well.

Best Answer

you can try with

I only convert a image. I dont know if convert text is possible.

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