How to configure XFCE to handle keyboard shortcuts\hotkeys on key-release\up, not key-press

desktop-environmentkeyboard shortcutsxfce

While using an application on XFCE, pressing a keyboard shortcut\hotkey that overlaps with an XFCE hotkey, I find the XFCE hotkey effect taking place instead.

For instance, Eclipse IDE has the hotkey: Shift + Alt + S, while XFCE switches the keyboard layout by using the hotkey Shift + Alt.

So when I press Shift + Alt, the keyboard layout changes before I have the chance to complete the hotkey combination and press S.

A colleague suggested that this is because XFCE processes hotkeys when they are pressed, not when they are released.

I do not want to change these shortcuts because I use Windows and Linux all the time and I do not want to confuse my self.

My questions are:

  • How to configure XFCE to process hotkeys on key release, not on key pressing
  • Does Enlightenment, Gnome 3, Mate, Cinnamon handle keyboard hotkeys better than XFCE ? Or at least in the way I'm mentioning here, which is on key releasing, not on key presssing.
  • What other desktop environments handle hotkeys on releasing and not on pressing ?

Best Answer

It's an Xorg bug. Fixed here for Manjaro Linux. I had to follow these steps to manually skip PGP checking !

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