How to configure a computer as a hotspot


I use OpenSuse 13.1 (with KDE). On my phone I can turn on a hotspot just by pushing a button. I have been researching how to do this on linux, I haven't found an easy way yet.

What I want to achieve: I have a wired connection. I want to share this through a wireless connection (so that my phone can access the internet).

I read that I could do this with an ad-hoc network. Is this correct or is this something different still? I did try this, new network (regular and shared I tried) -> mode: ad-hoc -> I gave in a ssid "hotspot".

But it is not being detected by my phones. Perhaps ad-hoc is not allowed for them?

Any suggestions?

— update

I have added the steps I have tried graphically:

  1. Add new network: I need to choose between wireless and shared. I have tried both. But I presume it is wireless?

see screenshot

  1. Set a name and as ad-hoc (or infrastructure) network.
    -> none of the two seems to be detected by android or iphone.

see screenshot

  1. I am connected by cable, do I also need to connect to the wireless (by dubble clicking it?)

Am I missing something obvious? Or a missing host service/server? Etc… because none of the ad-hoc or infrastructure networks are showing on my cell phone.

I am using knetworkmanager now (kde). If I can do it command line, would also be ok.


I have executed the following commands error free:

   nmcli nm wifi off
    rfkill unblock wlan

    ip link set dev wlp1s0 up
    ip address add dev wlp1s0

    iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o enp0s20u2 -j MASQUERADE
    sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 1> /dev/null

    systemctl start hostapd.service
    systemctl start dnsmasq.service

My /etc/hostapd is:

# bridge=br0

My phone sees the test network. But keeps saying "Obtaining IP address…."

I feel that I am very close now…

Best Answer

I don't know about Windows Phones or iPhones, but Android phones cannot detect ad-hoc networks out of the box. You will probably need to use infrastructure mode in order for your phone to see your network. Alternatively, search for Android add-ons that enable connections to ad hoc wifi networks (success seems dependent on the device and Android version).

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