How to clone a NTFS partition (WinXP) from a damaged disk to a new one


I need to clone a NTFS partition from a damaged, near to die hard disk (SCSI, if this matters) to a new one (SATA).

I've installed the last version of Hiren's Boot CD utilities on a USB stick, and tried with GParted, which told me that it can't copy/paste the partition because it's damaged and "flagged" by windows to run CHKDSK. I followed the Warning advice and tried to repair it using CHKDSK /f (it took 9 hours and exited with an error after "phase 3") and a Linux program I can't recall right now, without success.

I tried to clone using Clonezilla, and it failed as well, for the same reasons.
In the HBCD there's dd_rescue, but it failed again because it can't find "ntfs.something".

In the end, all that I want is to clone that partition as it is, with his errors and everything. I can repair it on the new drive.

So, what should I do?

Best Answer

You can of course try to repair the NTFS partition on the original drive, but I cannot recommend to do so, as the problems might be caused by hardware failure and repairing could make things worst.

Make a block for block copy with ddrescue to a file first. If there are any block that cannot be copied ddrescue will continue with the rest of the disc.

If ddrescue doesn't find any bad blocks then you can try to use repair software on the file (mounted via loopback). If there are problems with the SCSI drive or you just want to be sure to be able to start over from scratch, make a copy of your file and try to repair the NTFS filesystem on the second copy. As copying a disk with errors can be time consuming process, you might have to interrupt the process (because you need the computer, to let the drive cool down, or to restart the firmware of the drive).

That is why in my experience ddrescue is far superior in problematic cases than is dd with conv=noerror. ddrescue keeps a log about what it has done and restarts based on that information, a feature unavailable to dd. ddrescue is also smarter in reading blocks starting from the end, if it encounters a problem area. It will arrive much quicker at an image copy state that you can use as the basis for a filesystem check (and you can continue to ddrescue the original copy). You can only do something like that with dd if you are willing to spent a lot of time calculating offsets by hand.

You can also copy the file to a NTFS partition of the right size, put the drive in a windows machine and use the native repair tools from there.

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