How to clear journalctl entries for a specific unit only


I spent a few days writing a python script, and creating a systemd unit file for it. During testing, the script logged a lot of errors to journald. I would like to clear those errors from journald now that I'm done.

There are several ways to clear the entire journal, as described here: How to clear journalctl
including using journalctl --vacuum-time=2d, using journalctl --vacuum-size=500M, and temporarily setting SystemMaxUse= in /etc/systemd/journald.conf to a very low value.

All of these appear to clear the entire journal, effecting all units. I just need to clear the entries for a single unit. Is this possible?

Best Answer

Use my Python 3 program on the journal files in /var/log/journal from which you want to remove entries.

For instance, to make a copy of system.journal without log entries for NetworkManager.service:

$ journalctl --file=system.journal | wc
    167    1934   18825
$ journalctl --file=system.journal | grep -v NetworkManager | wc
     77     881    8421
$ python3 --remove-unit=NetworkManager.service system.journal system-without-nm.journal
$ journalctl --file=system-without-nm.journal | wc
     77     881    8421
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