How to Choose Default Bittorrent Client in Chromium


When I was using squeeze, Qbittorrent was the only bittorrent client installed (I think). Once I had downloaded a torrent file using Chromium it would download to a bar at the bottom of the window, and on clicking it would bring up Qbittorrent.

Now I am using wheezy. I have other bittorrent clients installed, including Transmission and Deluge. Now, when I click a torrent file at the bottom of the Chromium window, it brings up Transmission. How can I configure Chromium to bring up whatever bittorrent client I wish? I assume Debian has some internal preference system for which bittorrent client is chosen, but I have not found any documentation about this.

NOTE: The question Set Transmission as default program when opening magnet links is very similar.

Best Answer

Chromium uses the default application.

How to find the default application for a given mime type

# general case
xdg-mime query default <mime-type>

# your case
xdg-mime query default application/x-bittorrent
xdg-mime query default x-scheme-handler/magnet

Changing the default application

# general case
xdg-mime default <application.desktop> <mime-type>

# your case
xdg-mime default transmission-gtk.desktop application/x-bittorrent
xdg-mime default transmission-gtk.desktop x-scheme-handler/magnet

Those commands alter the file $HOME/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list and/or $HOME/.local/share/applications/defaults.list, which means you can also do the change manually.

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