How to choose a groff macro package


I want to try a classic groff macro package for structured technical documents as a replacement for the arguably more complex LaTeX and DocBook.

I understand ms was the earliest macro package, and mm and me came later. How do I choose between ms, mm or me?

What problems were mm and me trying to solve over ms? How do I choose between mm or me should ms be too simple?

Best Answer

I applaud your use of old school text processing. But I'm a bit of a dinosaur.

groff has a command line flag "-m" so for the "ms" macros, you'd do this:

groff -m ms ....

That said, I don't recall a lot of functional difference between mm and me. I kept my resume in groff until very recently, and apparently, I found the "ms" macro package to be entirely sufficient. I did write a couple of macros I wrote in low-level direct groff commands to differentiate between major projects I worked on at a long-running corporate job.

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