How to chmod without /usr/bin/chmod


Today I was told a tale by a Unix trainer where the root password got leaked to the students, and one of the fellas removed the execute permission from /usr/bin/chmod itself. How do you recover chmod in this case and make it executable again? Let's say getting it from an external source or recompiling it is not a preferable option, is there some smart hack that can recover this chmod itself?

Note that this happened a long time ago and I'm not looking for a solution for some current problem, just curious about what ways Unix provides us around such an issue.

Best Answer

You can run the loader directly, and pass it the command you want to run:

/lib/ /bin/chmod +x /bin/chmod

Your path to the loader might vary. On a 64-bit system you need to choose the right one based on how chmod was compiled; the 64-bit version is named something like /lib64/

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