How to change title in gnome-terminal profile


I know how to load a specific terminal profile as well as loading a config file that the terminal reads, but every time I try to set the title and save the config file, it still returns to the default.

I can only change the window title for that session and only with in the menus. If I try something like gnome-terminal --title="MyTerminal" this brings up a terminal, but the title is still at its default.

How do I change the title from the command line and within a config file?

Best Answer

Looking over the way gome-terminal works, it looks like you need to do a couple things:

  1. Create a new profile, go into Edit -> Current Profile -> Title and Command
  2. Select the option to Keep/Prepend/Append the shell-supplied title (to suit)
  3. Run the command gnome-terminal --title="Wheeee" --profile="The New Profile"

It appears as though the config-file saving is really for session saving (i.e. it stores all your open windows), and it does not save any command-line provided titles, so you can get what you want via a command-line + profile, but not via the config file.

I've taken the liberty of reporting the lack of command-line option saving in the save-config switch against G-T at